LTT (Luxury Travel To) swap to WLD (Worldcoin)
BEST ANSWER: LTT swap to WLD Gloria James -
RENBTC (renBTC) swap to AAVE (Aave)
BEST ANSWER: RENBTC swap to AAVE Rachel Adams -
SAFEMARS (Safemars) swap to DOT (Polkadot)
BEST ANSWER: SAFEMARS swap to DOT Steven Green -
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ELA (Elastos) swap to UNI (Uniswap)
BEST ANSWER: ELA swap to UNI Nancy Allen -
QRT (Qrkita) swap to FIL (Filecoin)
BEST ANSWER: QRT swap to FIL Deborah King -
MONKEYS (Monkeys) swap to ADA (Cardano)
BEST ANSWER: MONKEYS swap to ADA Rachel Adams -
MPT (Miracle Play) swap to WETH (WETH)
BEST ANSWER: MPT swap to WETH Frances Howard -
KCH (Kaching) swap to ARB (Arbitrum)
BEST ANSWER: KCH swap to ARB Vincent Holmes -